Monday, July 03, 2006

one down

I traipsed down to NUS today, UHWC to be exact, for my medical check up. It was supposed to be first thing in the morning. But, because I slept so late last night, I could only force myself to wake up at 11. What more, I went back to SAFTI to collect the letter that authorizes me to collect back my pink ic, my newest symbol of freedom. Freedom works on many levels, you'll soon realise this once you enter the army, I tell you. It's the one precious thing, besides your lives and your friend's lives, that you don't ever want to surrendur. Your weekend is the most basic level of freedom, and at certain places where I've been, it's the most looked-forward thing for everyone, including the commanders. Well, enough about the army.

I will have to adjourn back to CMPB this week. I still haven't collected my pink ic. :(

Looking around the greens, I saw sprinkles of freshmen having games. Wonder if the 2 camps I've signed up for are gonna be just the same... Eeeps, better be better. Well, at least my medical check up is done. One less hassle to confront with! Hoorah :)

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