Tuesday, July 25, 2006

THE front row bench

I finally got down to proper driving lessons, as in practical, and yeah despite how easy it is, I had trouble with clutch control. Arranged with Joel to visit poor Jun Ren. Oh man, he is really really damn poor thing. So much to suffer yet so much still in store ahead of him. I personally felt good that I managed to talk so much with him, after so long. Definitely more than a year, since we last all sat down all over the front-row benches of RJ Canteen - traditionally shared by rugby, soccer, and hockey boys - to chitchat and lepak whenever we step foot in the canteen. Before morning assembly, that's where we met to discuss test answers which had been leaked from those who had taken theirs earlier. Or waiting for training to start, if no one was already playing touch by then. By touch, I mean touch rugby...well I'm sure you know. Or after training, to shower then to go for dinner. For me it would be to go for pre-dinner, coz I would still have dinner left for me at home. Or on non-training days, to wait for people to go for weights, watch movies yada yada. Ergh these days don't come back no more. Jun Ren is strong, he'll come back strong, let God be willing. :)

On another note, before I slept last night, I recited a few pages of the Holy Quran. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind! Amin.

Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good,and save us from the torment of the Fire'

Qur'an 2:201

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