Saturday, July 29, 2006
before school starts,
Oh yes, I'm driving more too. I want my license! Hopefully, by year's end, InsyaAllah. :)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
the last hope
That every year, there is someone from Raffles Rugby to claim the prestigious Infantry Sword Of Honour from his OCS stint from the January batch.
From Anand, to Cecil, to NingYan, to Kylash. All came from Raffles Rugby. This year, what happened was that there were a number of us (Raffles Ruggers) in OCS. So initially there were Jau, EC, Ang Wei, Joel Louis, Jon Yap, etc etc etc and me too. Most of them got posted to other places, like ADA for Joel Louis and Signals for Jon Yap. So the last one standing was guess who? ME! Haha I was the last hope. And that is well dashed by now. Coz I disrupted to do medicine! I mean not that I was in some position to get the SOH anyway, seeing how much I get whacked by my instructors for my relak approach to everything. Me and the army are like oil and water , they don't mix (is the word immiscible? ergh don't remember). Heh. But it sure feels good to know that I was the last hope. Damn damn good. I enjoy cheap thrills like this. :)
oh wait, Ananthakumar is still in Infantry. There is another one last hope!Or maybe Khalrul Anwar bin Yahya from the later batch! haha he has neck now hoorah!
Look no further. Anyone who's willing to improve his/her grades for the exams, just feel free to contact me, Fairuz, at 9746 4126 or
I will teach YOU the way to earn more As, insyaAllah, if you haven't already got them.
I will teach YOU the way to pass if all you want if just to not fail.
I will teach YOU to teach yourself the smarter way about handling exam questions.
So if you're a secondary school student (anything, sec1-4, doesn't matter) living in the West of Singapore, and are in dire need of tuition, please contact me at the abovementioned number.
I can teach Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Combined Science (and Additional Mathematics too if you wish).
Plus, I can help give you inputs for your Malay/Higher Malay at no additional costs (for the moment though) and supplement you with Malay reading materials.
Some background of myself:
Currently a first year Medical Student at NUS.
GCE O Level (2003): 6pts L1R5
GCE A level (2005): 4As, 2 Merits for Phy and Chem S Papers, B3 for GP
Call me up to find out more.
The lessons will be conducted at your home.
Scheduling/length of each session is flexible (e.g: 4-5 times a month, 1.5hr weekly sessions).
Fees are negotiable (I'm a first timer but don't worry, you'll be in good hands).
So do call, InsyaAllah.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
THE front row bench
I finally got down to proper driving lessons, as in practical, and yeah despite how easy it is, I had trouble with clutch control. Arranged with Joel to visit poor Jun Ren. Oh man, he is really really damn poor thing. So much to suffer yet so much still in store ahead of him. I personally felt good that I managed to talk so much with him, after so long. Definitely more than a year, since we last all sat down all over the front-row benches of RJ Canteen - traditionally shared by rugby, soccer, and hockey boys - to chitchat and lepak whenever we step foot in the canteen. Before morning assembly, that's where we met to discuss test answers which had been leaked from those who had taken theirs earlier. Or waiting for training to start, if no one was already playing touch by then. By touch, I mean touch rugby...well I'm sure you know. Or after training, to shower then to go for dinner. For me it would be to go for pre-dinner, coz I would still have dinner left for me at home. Or on non-training days, to wait for people to go for weights, watch movies yada yada. Ergh these days don't come back no more. Jun Ren is strong, he'll come back strong, let God be willing. :)
On another note, before I slept last night, I recited a few pages of the Holy Quran. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind! Amin.
Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good,and save us from the torment of the Fire'
Qur'an 2:201
Sunday, July 23, 2006
medbooks & otherbooks
For anatomy:
1. Frank Netter's Atlas Of Human Anatomy
2. Richard S Snell's Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students
For Physiology:
1. Textbook of Medical Physiology (Guyton and Hall)
And, I finished reading The Zahir. So many truths in the book. Or is it just that when one picks up a book, one is just so convinced by the coherency of the author that everything he says is true. And the acomodador (that's a Mexican Indian term for the "giving-up point"), that's so true of everyone. The Zahir gives me a sign. It's time to find my own Zahir.
Ohwells, on to The Devil Wears Prada... :)
oops apadah!
OH! And today, a very good buddy of mine, JAU, received his utmost gift so far. He was presented with the PSC Open Merit Scholarship, which apparently received some coverage from Suria. CONGRATULATIONS BRO! But omg I missed it! Sorry Jau! I wasn't home early enough so I missed the rerun as well. Argh. I think he's the sole Malay recipient of it this year. Wonderful achievement mat. Haha. But basket you must spend more time with us before you fly off. Okay? Don't just say InsyaAllah.
some light at the end of the tunnel...

in ocs, here we hang out...or get hung out to dry...
and who is diana?
Friday, July 21, 2006
so medicamp?
I don't care.
Nothing's stopping me, you, and all of us from wanting to get what we want.
InsyaAllah I will get what I want, if I work hard for it. InsyaAllah.
Monday, July 17, 2006
We went east coast to "briskwalk". Haha like real. My parents are too unfit. I suppose yesterday made no difference to me, I need to run soon. Or else, I will definitely grow fat. Growing fat, or worse, remaining thin but growing rotund around the waist is a no-no. Its one of my biggest fears. Haha. I will run. Soon. Haha:)
We went airport to eat at Swensens. Like eeeee. The portions are too small my goodness. Cheat my (father's) money. And the desserts are not that nice anymore. Why ah? Don't have QC ah?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
i was almost late for driving theory just now. it was so boring. and dry as usual. so when they asked for volunteer to sit on the $40,000 chair with the airbag, i thought wth just volunteer la. haha, quite fun, the airbag suddenly explodes in front of me. haha the instructor obviously thought it was funny. merepek la. i shud haf signed up for BTT earlier then i can start practical earlier. now by the looks of things, i will have to start practical when school opens. ayye, that means, more nights and weekend burnt. haha but don't care ah, the faster i get my license, the better.
alright, gonna watch pirates with my bros later. time to catch up with 'em. seeya :)
Friday, July 14, 2006
reperio eeeeps

Monday, July 10, 2006
Forza Azzuri! Incredible incredible. That sums up Italy's performance at this World Cup Finals, so incredible that I had to use the word twice. I bet not many had expected them to be crowned World Champions, certainly not me. I was seriously thinking BRAZIL BRAZIL BRAZIL. Haha but oh wells, Ronaldo and Co, this was not your time. What a fitting farewell for Alessandro Del Piero, the forgotten golden boy of Italian football. And Pippo Inzaghi. And boy oh boy, Fabio Cannavaro looked every bit like the best defender in the world. No wonder Juve wins almost everything. Behind Cannavaro, they still have Gianluigi Buffon, the best keeper in the world (maybe Petr Cech may want to argue about this). He denied Zinedine Zidane in extra time what would have been a killer header. That save, with such an exquisite twisting of the torso with a single leap into the air to solidly palm the bullet-like ball into safety. Such poetry in motion. Such lovely movement that made my waking up at 2am all the more worth it.
Zizou zizou! Everyone would definitely ask "Pourquoi?" for that silly and foolish headbutt into the heart of Marco Materazzi, one of the many Italians who played like stallions that night. Zidane signed off his career with a maniacal red card, perhaps an ending that nobody would have predicted. But Zidane is special. After all, he came out of international retirement because of an encounter in his sleep. When he decides to hang up his golden adidas boots, let him do it in every way he wants. We do not have to feel sad for the way it ended. Let's just bid him a fitting "Au revoir!".
and i have to go for camp tonight. seeya on thursday when i'll be back InsyaAllah.
and i found this photo of my class at ronald's house. hahaha this was when hpf was still our civics tutor. hahaha. :)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'm almost done reading Fight Club, boy oh boy is it an angsty book. Its almost like a me-against-the-world kind of book, which I happen to like. Haha. Brilliant novel, I should move on to watch the movie itself.
That aside, yesterday was supposed to an outing day, but in the end, people can't make it. So again, another burnt weekend. I don't care coz I got my Nano! Haha dig that.. Anyhow, I am such a techie noob. I had to ask Matin how to operate the iTunes software. Spent almost 2 hours on that thing alone last nite, so much so that I couldn't wake up for the Ger-Por 3rd/4th Place Playoff. I remembered in 1998 when I had prepared so much, including 2 alarm clocks plus coffee to wake up for the Brazil-France final, then I just simply overslept. Haha loser. Well, InsyaAllah for today's Italy-France final, it won't happen again. What are the chances of lightning striking twice?
And!!! Waiting for BTT to end is just excruciating! I can't move on to any practical lesson. That means my progress in driving will be stalled to almost the time to start uni. That means, I'll have to double up on night and weekend lessons, which means I'll also have to pay more and have less time at home and my parents won't be too happy and yada yada. You get my point ya? OMG that sounded like LTA Jarel. Haha.
I also realised I haven't had any workout the past week. Time to change that. Tomorrow morning, confirm, I'll head for the gym. Then again, after World Cup Finals, I might not be able to wake up! HAHA loser.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
ala fight club
Monday, July 03, 2006
one down
I will have to adjourn back to CMPB this week. I still haven't collected my pink ic. :(
Looking around the greens, I saw sprinkles of freshmen having games. Wonder if the 2 camps I've signed up for are gonna be just the same... Eeeps, better be better. Well, at least my medical check up is done. One less hassle to confront with! Hoorah :)