Monday, August 09, 2004


Pool! Yeap, that game has got me going again these past 2 days. After having some pool at night at Firas' house on saturday, went to play pool with the mats from my religious class on Sunday. Yeap, feeling good about it, but cannot think too much about it. Everytime i think too much about something, it somehow manages to make me perform badly. Really, whatever it is, this almost always happens. So, cannot think too much about something, just think about it periodically and that will do. :)
Dunno man whether there's training tomorrow, i hope not! Really! I've planned a class outing to Sentosa so I really hope that will materialise. Even though that group of them won't turn up, I still think that it's going to be worth it bcoz there won't be much more oppurtunity come the Promos. Hey yup hope everyone from 1S03B will turn up. :) Pray!
Oh and it's always important that we do not delay our prayers. Bcoz it only takes minutes to pray. Easy and simple. Try it. The more consistent you pray, the better you'll feel at the end of the day. At peace with yourself and feeling clean! Yup!

-shoot...Pravin just msged.. Training at 5pm tmr... :(

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