Sunday, August 08, 2004


Gotta say that the MLDCS' SEPAKTAKRAW experiment is a success. There were quite a lot of ppl who could pick up how to play the game almost immediately, coz its super fun to play with. Now, with the red court at LT 2.5, if anyone wants to play SEPAKTAKRAW, just set up the nets, and inform me and I'll get the ball and play with you. Didn't know that a lot of ppl do find the sport interesting. The Mats are certainly up for it, even Raihan and Ahmad, who's seriously quite pro. Haha. Mr Kadir and Mr Francis Chong are pro too, very sly and cunning, lying almost all the time to try and get more points for themselves. Haha :P Kidding. Will be looking to buy a real spherical ball that can last too, the Takraw ball taht we used are quite fragile. What do u think of playing sepak takraw more often? Want or not? I say yes, on behalf of the mats. :) What say u?

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