Thursday, August 26, 2004


Visited SAFTI MI yesterday for an S-Cube Seminar. It was seriously draggy, and we had to walk for damn long. I can't imagine myself in OCS, the training sounds bloody rigorous. And the physical tests are but just one of the veto factors they have to kick soldiers out of OCS. SOC...SEOC... They only showed us a glimpse of what regimental training is like, something which I think I'm not cut out for. Running all the clicks, carrying truckload of baggage all slung across your back. Plus a rifle to carry while you run. And whatever we learn for A levels..that's not going to help. Good or bad? I don't know, u decide when u enter. But they even have tests and assignments during OCS! What?! Plus, the Army is also full of this common trait of Singapore, the abbreviations! U will have to get to know a hell lot of military jargons! BX, SOC, SEOC, SISPEC...

I have some exercises to complete, not by tonight thankfully. Going to do some in the morning when i wake up. Gotta sleep after dinner so I'll grow fatter! Haha coz I'm so skinny. :) Then I'll wake up to do work. Yeah! Sounds good to me. Just hope that I don't go back on my plans and continue sleeping even though the alarm already goes off. :) PW tomorrow, gotta get it going!

Take my photo off the wall if it just won't sing for you
Coz all that's left has gone away and there's nothing there are for you to proof

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