Wednesday, April 20, 2005


There is now a show on relationships on Suria right now. Hmmm, nothing wrong having relationships i guess. Even Cikgu approves of it. If you can handle it, yeah no problem. Haha :)

It was sucha long day today even though its wednesday. Lessons ended early as usual, but it was endless activities after that. From interviews to videos to was just non-stop. Need a really good night sleep.

Waiting to whack dinner..even though it's late already.

I wonder what the Muslim MPs will act towards this new call for the casino. By faith alone, it's Haram to gamble. I really wonder what happened during those minister meetings, i wonder whether there were heated arguments. Even though the casino is already approved, what will our Muslim ministers do? I already listened to this economic review from a Malay economist on radio that the casino is definitely good in terms of economy strictly. But there was no statement whatsoever from say, the Mufti... Oh man, it was just shameful to see a gambling statistic that around 12% of those who gamble are Malays. This 'gamble' includes, 4D, Toto, Singapore Pools S-League EPL and Champs League, etc. Even though it's not surprising to see that statistic, it's still shameful nonetheless. The casino will only add to that statistic. It's amazing to note that Vivian Balakrishnan and his MCYS are already hard at work on measures to combat gambling addiction, if there were to occur any in the future. Do you ever remember who the previous MCYS Minister was? Yes, Yaacob Ibrahim. Imagine, if it was him who was still in charge of MCYS. He would be the one who would be drawing up programmes to counter the risk of gambling addiction. How thoughtful of the PM!

D-DAY is tomorrow.

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