Wednesday, October 20, 2004

white stuff on nails

Have you ever wondered?
I take a look at my fingernails and I see white stuff. U know, its those little white opaque stuff that u see on your nails that you can't possibly scratch out.
And when i see these white stuff, i remember what my grandma used to tell me. When I was still small, i used to sit on my grandma's bed and ask her many many things. One of them was what is this white stuff i see on my nails. She said that it's a sign. I asked her, "Of what?". "It's a sign that somebody likes you, there's probably a girl out there who likes you. It's a sign that someone is attracted to you!" I thought hard and talked to myself, "In my kindergarten class, there cannot possibly be any girl who likes me, coz I always beat them for every test. And I look ugly. Hmmm..." So I wondered. If only there was a story or fable or legend to accompany this peculiar happening.

But u know what? I think it's true. Coz I saw white stuff on Ronald's fingernails too. So that is one case proven. Now i see them white stuff on my nails. Last time when it happened in primary school, I am quite sure that it happened for the same reason which my grandma explained to me. Coz of course I am in people's attention when i do well for certain things. I told Ronald today and he laughed it off, but maybe he will believe me, and my grandma.

So now, i see the white stuff on my nails again, and I am going to believe my grandma's explanation. This time, it's not just on one fingernails. It's found on 6 different spots. Does more white spots means that the feeling is stronger? So who is the one? I dunno.....

Merindui Kepastian
- Art Fazil

Andai kau menjadi pelangi
biarku jadi awannya
agar kita selalu bersama

Andai kau menjadi sang duyung
biarku jadi karangnya
agar kita sentiasa bersua

Andai kau menjadi merpati
biarku jadi sang bayu
agar kita sering bertemu

Andai engkau menjadi puisi
biarku jadi melodi
bersama kita menyanyi

Andai ku menjadi rembulan
sudikah engkau menjadi
gejora hingga pagi nanti

Andai esok aku menjadi tanah
sudikah engkau menjadi bunga
hiasi dadaku

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