Monday, October 30, 2006

on a rainy night from kembangan

Taxi Driver: Hallo! HALLO! Why you never cancel?
Me: You are calling me now, how to cancel?
TD: Hallo!? You better cancel...You make booking what...Call the office, the office is calling me...
Me: HELLO? If you are calling me now, how I call the office? You hang up now then I can call office to cancel. You put down now.
TD: No Why you never cancel? I cannot pick up passengers know.... You quickly call now. Must call now.
Me: Since when do people cancel taxi booking?
TD: Mister you better call the office hor. You make me drive here all the way then never wait for me.
Me: But another taxi came earlier.
TD: No NO I want to know why you never call office.
Me: I called but the office say "Please hold while we connect you to a Customer Assistant". But the Customer Assistant never pick up.
TD: You call Office nowwwwww!!
Me: (pasrah) okok fine.

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