Wednesday, March 15, 2006

last few days before posting

Miss Chuapeitzeun and Miss Jasminetan are such honeys, even now during march holidays they are so happy to do recommendations for you. Ahhh I guess they just want us to have the best. InsyaAllah one good deed deserves another. :) I should give something back in return, insyaAllah.

Meanwhile, I need to find the Tipping Point. Adzfar says it's a damn good read. Right now, I'm contenting myself with The Little Red Dot and Introducing Freud. I am slowly getting more interested in Psychology. But Medicine is still number one. Yes. I watched House and Scrubs in succession the other night and yeah, medicine! InsyaAllah...

I suppose I shall still be preoccupied for the rest of this block leave. I know Friday night's out coz of SPFO Talk and Sat I'm down for a written test, but let's just hope the test is short and sweet and doesn't take forever. Now where's that Straits Times article I've been wanting to read since yesterday...?

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