Sunday, January 22, 2006

la vie en vert

It's been 2 weeks already, so 7 more to go. POP is a long long time away but we are growing as a section. Our platoon's alright but right now is the time to step up. Pull ups are always good, there is a slow and steady improvement, but Iylia's still the man. Wanted to watch Geisha today but the poor response meant that it's postponed to the next book out day. Book outs are always the happiest days in army. Wonder what the others are doing. Could have gotten home a lot earlier yesterday if not for me forgetting to bring back the home keys and having to go Beach Rd to get some army necessities. Heard that our first income is already in, nvm, will check it for certain later. Must pack for book in soon. Ronald also happens to be armskote i/c like me. HAHA! What coincidence. Sometimes meal times are just like ri reunions. I hope we get more admin time, more pull ups, and earlier book out slots. Solat is not a problem. Jamak and khuf are really beneficial. I only wonder whether the others solat too. Aye. Army really destroys your english, so must keep myself mentally stimulated. I'm bringing The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon this time, so I hope i'm ok. and good to go!

except for the tekong cough!

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