Monday, January 02, 2006

the good fight

2006 beckons! Resolutions? Not for me. I think it is a little way too phony to make resolutions. Sounds like you've been living the past year in regret, like many many things didn't work out for you. I think whatever happens must have happened for some reason. I believe we must continue to fight the good fight and not just succumb to little distractions, such as minute failures, to deter us from ever reaching all those goals we so proudly proclaim to everyone. However one chooses to think that the good fight is all airy-fairy and stuff that belongs to kids, I believe the good fight is there in all of us. We must learn to like what we already have, not just want to have all that we like. We are humans; God is the miracle worker and has set us on a path to achieve His grand scheme of things. Appreciate your religion, Muslims, it is after all the greatest gift that God has given you.

Also remember that time does not dictate you, you can choose to completely ignore it. You are the essence here, not time. You set the pace. You should endeavour to do all that you want right here right now in this God-given wonderful world. But on a sidenote, even if you believe with all your heart that noone's watching, God's eyes are fixated on you, just so you know.

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