Thursday, June 02, 2005

DWIDARMA is coming to town!

Everyone who happens to be reading this, it's not too late to purchase a DWIDARMA ticket. Just make sure that you set your alarm at 6pm, so that you can wake up on time to go to RJC tomorrow and reach there by 7plus pm. If you haven't bought tickets (which obviously you should have already done by now!) then just buy over the counter at the door. Oh! Don't come alone! Bring your entire family and all your friends too! The more the merrier! We are showing a family show anyway. So bring spare cash, so you can freely spend on tickets. Also, not to worry, we are preparing special prayer rooms for you. Don't have to ambil wuduk from home, there are washing areas nearby. Also, this show won't end extremely late, by ten it's all over hopefully, and you can all go to Adam Road by either 156, 93 or 157 and have a family supper! Woah how exciting. What else, sleep now la, wake up early and tell the rest about this tomorrow. And make sure, cancel all plans to do anything else but just come for DWIDARMA!

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