Saturday, December 10, 2005


It feels like there really are pigs flying over the moon. I have begun to read. Truly amusing myself. Never thought reading and me can ever go together. All I read when I was in RI was the sports page of the straits times. And textbooks. Haha. Now, thanks to the MIQ Quiz, I bought 4 new books with the voucher I won and I'm truly thrilled to be spending this coming 3 weeks reading. How exciting! And of course, the gym sessions with my mat brothers. :)

And Adzfar's coming back to Singapore from China this Sunday! And Ronald coming back from India this coming Friday! Haha maybe I should go to Malaysia and come back to Singapore too. Then we can complete the chinese-indian-malay threesome. Hahaha! Funny right? But it's not funny when you go there (Malaysia) for a holiday and a stupid bugger steals your MPV right in the middle of the resort carpark. Such unfortunate things do in fact happen, as it did to my dear friend Iylia. So for those of you thinking about going Savannah Cove in Johore, I suggest to you, don't! Unless your car is James Bond-ish, which then have to be of a breed similar to an Aston Martin, and can tranquilize the living daylights out of the evildoer, then by all means go ahead. If not, stay home lah. Singapore still fun what. You can exercise your ass off, maybe practise a little dancing these few days so you'll look hot for ZoukOut!

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