Saturday, July 23, 2005


how come malays can't swim well? weren't we the initial orang lauts? what happened to the selection pressure? i for one can't swim well. me iylia adz and jau had a simple swimming good fun at kopi's house, who joined us after his match. haha. i basically died. can't swim for nuts. need to work it man.

and another thing, i haven't been pumping. last session was way back on tuesday. oh man, my vp2 needs to be worked on. time to get a killer bod. tomorrow i shall spare a little time off sleep to work out. just a good compact session. shoulders, back and possibly arms as well. if not happy, then maybe i should swim too. that sounds like a good plan.

revision is in semi swing. which means i need to pull up my socks a lot more. yup.

a case of literal translation
teacher: your marks are good ah beng. keep it up! what about you mat?
mat: simpan kat atas? simpan apa seh...
teacher: you failed, again, mat. you need to pull up your socks.
mat: naikkan stokin? huh?
teacher: oh god! you're such a simpleton!
mat: mudah pusing? simple turn? what talking you 'cher?
teacher: @#%^&*

i can't get the hang of normal distribution. the tutorial is skewed man, like some of the answers i got are like the complement of the answers stated. haiya ntuc woman, you sure your answer printed is correct? oh god matin loves calling her ntuc woman.

my cousin getting married next weekend in kl. and my whole family is going. yay, a nice weekend break, plus maybe a little shopping escapade plus dips in the pool and gym. whoosh swoosh!


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