Monday, July 25, 2005
i luv sin city

Saturday, July 23, 2005
how come malays can't swim well? weren't we the initial orang lauts? what happened to the selection pressure? i for one can't swim well. me iylia adz and jau had a simple swimming good fun at kopi's house, who joined us after his match. haha. i basically died. can't swim for nuts. need to work it man. and another thing, i haven't been pumping. last session was way back on tuesday. oh man, my vp2 needs to be worked on. time to get a killer bod. tomorrow i shall spare a little time off sleep to work out. just a good compact session. shoulders, back and possibly arms as well. if not happy, then maybe i should swim too. that sounds like a good plan. revision is in semi swing. which means i need to pull up my socks a lot more. yup. a case of literal translation my cousin getting married next weekend in kl. and my whole family is going. yay, a nice weekend break, plus maybe a little shopping escapade plus dips in the pool and gym. whoosh swoosh! tata~ |
Friday, July 22, 2005
while maghrib is not yet here, i should type a little entry. a little entry about what has happened during the past week or so. coz i haven't been updating laa. highlight of the week? i have 2. no make that 3. 1. siti nurhaliza concert at the indoor stadium. poweful voice, doing the highs and lows all in sync with little sexy dance steps and really coming across as a genuinely sincere artiste. And a really beautiful person to top if off. superb. it was quite last minute for me coz initially only my parents were going coz they got 2 free tickets from my aunty. last minute, my aunty had more free tickets and i got one. haha. that would have been $140 if i had to fork out my own cash. i think i wanna marry siti nurhaliza. she's only 26, so i think can la. can right? can la... 2. arabian uniform on racial harmony day, matin adzfar and myself converted ourselves into arabs. complete with igals. really noone else was wearing anything close to what we had. i wonder who have our photos. it was hillarious hearing stories of how some j1 who were in the same toilet as us, ran out into the lt and told his friends he saw terrorists in the toilet. 3. new trunks just so hot i tell you |
i need to study. first, maghrib now. tata~
Sunday, July 17, 2005
sunday times
reading today's sunday times, the back page where they were showing that retro is in fashion these days, i have to agree with that guy who said that "today's designers are merely stylists" because it is true that the heady days of distinct fashion creations are behind us, the yesteryears. most of the so-called designers of today are mixing and matching what have already been designed in the past to make clothes that fit the present generation. truth be told, there is really nothing new about today's fashion. they have all been abstracted and modified, from the metal studded belts of punk rock groups to the hippie tree-huggers, today's fashion is mish-mash of yesterday's. and these things are fetching high prices too. don't you ever think that dated means cheap. dated is not outdated, as the prices will testify. maybe the teens of today just wanna try out what their parents used to wear in the past. boho chick? punk rock star? indie tees? you choose. clothing stores are peculiar i must say. when does 10% off already overpriced clothes equate to a great singapore sale? prices are ridiculous and simply not worth it (doesn't matter if the polo has a little horse on the left chest or not). the gss does not make their clothes more affordable. skyhigh prices for just a piece of cloth? only for rich arab sheikhs, whose pocket is as deep as their oil wells back home in arabia. last week's sunday times say: now, here's a look at one of summer must-haves. for singapore, this applies thruout the year. gucci aviator shades! for guys only. bring out the mirl in you. |
Saturday, July 16, 2005
today i felt quite accomplished. for one, i haven't done any gym session since last saturday. so getting back the hang of things at the gym was a huge plus. plus the fact the vp2 has just arrived by singpost yesterday. it's not bad you know, this singpost delivery thing. it's only $3 more for delivery right to your doorstep. compared to self-collecting at braddell mrt, i think this is just more convenient (unless of course, you live in braddell or thereabout). the other thing that made me feel so accomplished was doing chem s term paper. that paper was really horribly overdue. it was meant for submission in term 2, but was extended to today. the thing was, me and my partner, rudy, were too forgetful that we only knew we had to do this paper on thursday. so being given only 1 day to complete this paper, on malonic ester synthesis (it's easy, just 4 steps: enolate anion formation by acid-base reaction, alkylation by an R-X, acidic hydrolysis and lastly decarboxylation), i tried asking for extension til monday. so today since we had this little bit of time after gym, we sat down to complete the paper in about 1.5 hours. wah the sensation of completing this task was immense i tell you. haha. hope it turns out alright. and i actually just came back from supper at a.b.mohamed restaurant in little india. egg prata and minute maid lemonade. now the stomach's satisfied and i can sleep peacefully. haha goodnite and tata~ |
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

maria sharapova. russian blonde bombshell. last year's Wimbledon champ, semi-finalist this year. millionaire. model (sometimes). and best of all, 18. dude, that's like my age too. and she has done so many more things than me at her age. ahhh...what dreams are made of... anyway, i figured that if in any way, pork (or babi) is halal, can you imagine the kind of dishes we will have? how disgusting is this? maria sharapova and babi in the same entry. and i think rafflesians just dominated the pool scene this year. except for 'b'div boys. but the rest, i think it's a clean sweep. funny how we only caught the relays when we arrived this year. but bacillus thuringiensis saved the day for rjc 4by50m relay boys. yay to him, he's going to sea games what. time to have dinner now, gonna order the good stuff later. tata~ |
Monday, July 11, 2005
so clever
when in bio we were discussing about genotypes and phenotypes, going through the common test and all. and during today's lesson, it was pretty hillarious. thanks to aisyah! and adzfar. 1. a case of being clever but not correct ms chua: ok aisyah, what do you get when you cross the 2 parents, one of genotype Bb and the other Bb? aisyah: bee bee (without specifying whether the 'b' is capital 'b' or small 'b') class: (burst out laughing) changwen: hahahahaha my lanjiao also know it's bee bee. 2. a case of being too clever and still not correct. adz: oh mat, see la so easy, i never study this topic also i get correct answer. i just eliminated option a and c, coz both are negative. so the answer i guess must be 'd' la, sex-linked. me: no mat, the answer is 'b' adz: huh? me: you copied the answer wrongly from the board. your guess was wrong. (no manjen scholar to look at presumably!) TATA Box is some initiator sequence for DNA replication. Watson and Crick video was quite amusing. and tata~ |
Saturday, July 09, 2005
gym, walkabouts, relax
boys day out. superbly interesting. a really short (but good) gym session. a really long walkabout in town. really frenetic how we browsed thru sale after sale after sale. without buying a thing. but, oh but, i have finally found something that fits the bill. i had wanted a dress bag for quite some time. today, i finally found it. it's on 30% discount and i'm just waiting to get my allowance before i purchase it, Insyallah. actually, only me and adzfar were on boys day out. the rest, haha all kinds of reason. izzat, he pumped earlier so he can go out with his minah (sorry aisyah!). rudy, he had to stay home to watch after the contractors fixing his window. hafiz, he couldn't get parental consent. iylia, he's still recovering. jau, he was supposed to go to jakarta, only for the mishap for he couldn't jump off the waiting list. so that left me and adz only. haha but we had fun. i've whittled down what success/ambition is usually targetted towards, though not always true. they are: and i hear of rugby having a testimonial match the tueday after next. guess what? can't wait... and soccer will have our testimonial too, hopefully this week. aye can you imagine, having not run since the semis, which was like 2 months ago. oklah we had the 3/4th place off but i was basically walking that match. aye, fitness fitness fitness... university stuff is kinda freaking me out a little. but i'm going to be very optimistic. anyway, i have the A levels to worry about first. yep! time to read up what kind of courses i can see myself doing in uni. tata~
Thursday, July 07, 2005
picking up the pieces
picking up the pieces. a blast. massive destruction. ultimate sucker punch. below the belt. rumble tumble. chaos and trouble. calm after the storm? haven't seen it yet. hear this and that. and sunny seems to be the weather elsewhere. super bright and nice. fine and dandy. silky smooth. clear path ahead. what if i throw in a spanner in the works? and to my mat brother, iylia... goodness it was a sad sight watching you all alone in the hospital bed that day. really. being struck by dengue fever is no joke. no appetite, no energy, no feeling in your body i suppose if you can't really eat. really relieved that he got discharged after like 2 days only in hospital. can you imagine the anguish? no tv, no internet. he will die faster of boredom than of what, dengue? good thing though that he's out already. time to recover, then we can all study and pump. insyaAllah mat. time to check on vp2. and FCUK sale is now on at Tangs til july 17. hurry y'all... |
Monday, July 04, 2005
youths like us
some kind of youths we are. i think what my mat brothers and i were discussing today was true. it sounds true, sounds applicable to almost all the youths out there. do you feel that your life as a teenager revolves around basically school and probably nothing else? and what do you do when you don't have school (as in on days that there's no school, like holidays, etc)? either you stay at home (and complain how bored you are!) or most probably you go out and have some fun, maybe relax and chill with friends. if we stop and think for a second, the money we spend is not really ours. it's our parents'. have we ever deserved to be that wasteful? what did we ever do to deserve to spend our parents' money on clothes, movies, shoes, bags, food! it's not like there's no food at home. somehow being wasteful just does not seem good. our parents really work so hard and give you some allowance only for you to spend it like that? i think that shopping most of the time arises due to wants, not needs. heard of the slogan "shop til you fly" during the great singapore sale? no kidding. i don't think it makes sense. the only time when you'll fly is when you are already earning your own money. it's not so easy to part with cash when you know it's your own cash. it's what you've earned. i think being thrifty is so much more advantageous. an example? mr mohd salleh marican, the second chance owner. read the article on him in last week's berita minggu. only if i become like him (or better), then will i subscribe to the "shop til you fly" slogan. because then, "fly" will be the high you get when you manage your own money so that it grows. to dear adzfar, who asked you to play football never call me? poor boy, sprained his ankle. get well soon. the mats are very very nice people. they went all the way to gombak stadium to pump today because i woke up late. it's nice to finally get back on track in the gym as well. need new protein powder though. adzfar hurry with the orders. the mats came my house and had lunch. that's much better than spending money outside. that's a good start for you jau, izzat and rudy. The Good Man says save money. |
Saturday, July 02, 2005
common test is done
batman begins. batman is not my favourite superhero but i really enjoyed the show. omg i just love it when he was just starting out as batman. he was like a man on a mission. i really like watching this kind of thing, gives me inspiration. like how he started work at the applied science department at wayne enterprise. how he created his own batcave. and started modifying his own gadgets. i think it's just hot when guys can do everything on their own. that's just hot. ahhh if only i could do the same... on a separate note, here are some common traits of a Brazilian boy. 1) you probably might have grown up in a slum (see how fortunate you are you singaporeans!) 2) you probably played football using anything but a rubber ball 3) you are spotted by a local club and sign a semi-pro deal 4) your talent is spotted by a top european club and you are on your way to become a millionaire to cut to the chase, check this video of this super talented boy out: http://www.jean-carlos-chera.com/ |
Batman says it's not who i am underneath that matters, but it's what i do that defines me.
(or sth like that)
Friday, July 01, 2005
all sewn up
we had chem today. we had chem today. we had chem today. couldn't finish the last 2 parts, coz i took quite long on the sheep question. ugh. maybe chem bukan cawan teh aku! oh my. it's quite alright i think, but i don't think i'll be able to reach my target. hmmm. it may seem all fine and dandy but no. the aftermath is hidden behind all these facades. the truth will be told next week i'm sure, as all the teachers will be hard at work over the weekend to mark all our papers. it's gonna be exciting, yes i'm sure. so, let us all take a hiatus from all the muggerdogging and cramming and give ourselves some room from our books. they, too need a break. like a few of my frineds, who have gone swimming and tanning right now. that's the right step. for those with some cash to spare, ZARA is having a SALE till the 3rd of july. Hurry! the five most-spoken languages in the world are english, chinese (or mandarin i suppose), french, german and arabic. i'm good in english, alright in french. really a beginner in arabic. the other two? i think i should try at least one after the A levels. oh my god. i cannot wait. it's gonna be fun learning language all over again, just like french last time. oh another language i wanna learn is the hand-signal-thingy for deaf people. why? emmm, so i can understand what the hell it means. God says the Quran is in arabic, go learn arabic. |