This is what stuff of hopes and dreams are made of. After quite some lull over here, and having shifted my attention to writing on a hardcopy journal as a result of my being in ocs, I feel this blog is due for a very important update. Here goes.
I am fine, healthy, fitter than ever, and probably fresher than fresh can be. The disillusionment has sort of evaporated thanks to the wonderful wonderful news I receieved just a week ago. That is, that I was accepted to study MEDICINE at the NUS! Alhamdulillah. It's a dream. That was such a boost, such a rewarding outcome knowing how much I've poured in in school and beyond. It has taught me so much lessons, in being quietly confident of my own abilities, in never chewing more than I can swallow, in always being faithful to God and to my parents, in always putting in my all and holding true to what I believe in. I have definitely benefitted from the system and I intend to pursue it till the very end. What has happened must have a hikmah behind it and I believe I must not let up ever.
OCS. Yes OCS. It's my bane but also my joy. For instance, I get disillusioned very quickly by military regimentation - sad to say, it's part and parcel of army life - yet I benefit quite a lot from the trainings. Firstly, my fitness is definitely a lot better. My physique's showing definition. Haha. And my communication skills has jumped quite a few notches up. All I await now is the dreadful Ex Spade and Platoon Field Camp. Then, when and if the disruption letter comes, it'll be another time to celebrate. But, I shall not count my chickens till the eggs hatch.
Also, being in the Social Nite Committee has also helped keep me very very occupied in OCS. I knew it would take up quite a bit of time. But it has been enjoyable thus far, seeing how banal people can be in discussions, and how myopic some people are, getting excited by irrelevant and trivial issues. Nonetheless, some of them are the ones in charge. Apart from putting in my worth, I shall not step on people's toes as that will leave a lasting reminder of the person that I am. I contribute the way I deem it fits, and thus far, it's been very positive. I think yesterday's recce trip was very fruitful, and I managed to ask all the questions - and they were all answered - so all in all, it was successful.
I also managed to secure a partner for the Social Nite. Huh it took me quite a while but in the end, it was not so difficult. I'm just hoping it will be a very memorable night, for all the right reasons.
And shopping's been very big on the agenda for every book out. That, my bank statements can testify to. So far, I have secured some very useful items that will not only provide style and comfort, but also, longevity hopefully. But I am very sure there will be no end to the shopping. As long as there is a weekend, there will be some shopping to do.
Just as how I opened my Medical School Personal Statement, I really believed the tree is growing more roots. With these roots, the tree can only grow stronger, reaching far higher than it ever thought possible. The roots are unrelentless, holding to the very soil, each and every grain of it. And the roots traverse in all directions. Yet, the roots still perform a symbiotic function of holding the tree up, firm and turgid. Yes, that is me. This, I will never forget.