but you don't really have to listen. but i'm also not stopping you.
Monday, November 28, 2005
To this, a feast at Mr JO's house. That's Isabella his niece. Pity Rudy and Kopi and Fazly weren't there.
From Grad Dinner 2003 at Marriott...
First stop Aisyah's house. Hearty conversation with her dad, our friend. Abang looks like he's all set for camp.
This year Hari Raya never did start for us. Even though it's nearing the end of Syawal, it's still not too late for visiting. The only coloured one in this pic has not even finished his papers. Good luck for Econs S mat :)
F.artMed returns today. Mr. Reporter had applied for an SPH journalism scholarship during the interim. Unfortunately for him (fortunately for us!), Mr. Reporter did not get past the written test round, the first hurdle. He must have been striked off the list of potential scholars. So now, he's happily back working for F.artMed, and not the government newspaper.
Knowing that most major exams in the country have already drawn curtains, or are just about to, F.artMed would like to lelong away all the books/notes/model answers/TYS that have accumulated in our workspace. So, if there's anyone interested, please do not hesitate to let us know, via the TagBoard.
List of sale items:
Textbooks: 1) A Levels Physics (4th Ed) by Roger Muncaster 2) A Levels Chemistry (4th Ed) by E.N.Ramsden 3) Comprehensive Physics for A Levels (Vol 1&2) - highly recommended, detailed explanation and some derivation of formula
TYS/Revision Guides: 1) A Level Physics Yearly Worked Solutions (Jun Nov, 2000-2004) - recommended 2) Physics Topical Worked Solutions 2002 Ed. 3) GCE A Level Physics TYS (1976-2004) - new and mostly unused 4) Study Guide for Your A Level Chemistry Ed 2.0 - highly recommended 5) Chemistry Topical Worked Solutions 2002 Ed. 6) Biology Topical Worked Solutions 2005 Ed. - recommended 7) GCE A Level Maths TYS (1976-2003) 8) GCE A Level Biology TYS (1976-2003) 9) Chemistry S Paper TYS compiled by RJC - strongly recommended, solutions are provided 10) Physics S Paper TYS compiled by RJC - strongly recommended, solutions are provided
F.artMed is looking forward to clearing stock soon. We are willing to do exchange for storybooks and novels.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna Agar dapat ku lalui dengan sempurna.
After a few months of digging in deep, digging myself out of the hole, it now comes to this. Must not let up. If thousands of others can do it, so can I, maybe even surpass them. There is no 2 ways about it, have to show power. Enough of near-misses, carelessness, this is do or die.